The fragrance itself is excellent, and it truly deserves a five-star rating. However, I am giving it a lower score due to an issue that I believe is directly related to the brand’s bottle design. While this might also require better handling when shipping, I feel the problem originates from the packaging itself.
This is not the first time I’ve experienced this issue with this brand. It has happened three times already, with two bottles of WaveChild and one of Cherry Punk. The problem is not with the sprayer’s function but with how it is attached or sealed to the bottle. I’m unsure if it’s due to pressure changes, excess liquid, or a sealing defect, but in my experience, one of my WaveChild bottles—purchased specifically from this site—arrived with leakage around the crimp where the sprayer should be tightly sealed to the bottle.
It doesn’t pour out excessively, but it visibly leaks when the bottle is slightly tilted. This isn't a cracked bottle issue; rather, it seems that the seal between the bottle and the sprayer is not strong enough. Even a slight tilt or regular spraying can cause small amounts of liquid to seep out.
Because of this packaging flaw, I cannot give it a full five-star rating.